React Native Pdf From Image

Easily generate PDF documents from an array images.

React Native Pdf From Image

Generate PDF documents from an array images.

npm version

🌟 Features

  • Image to PDF Conversion: Effortlessly convert images into PDF documents.
  • Customizable Paper Sizes: Choose from standard paper sizes or define custom dimensions for your PDFs.

Old Architecture Support

react-native-pdf-from-image is a pure TurboModule, and requires the new architecture to be enabled. - Work is ongoing to support the old architecture.

The library now supports both new and old architecture! 🎉🎉🎉

🚀 Installation

npm install react-native-pdf-from-image


yarn add react-native-pdf-from-image
cd ios && pod install

📖 Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use the library:

import { createPdf } from 'react-native-pdf-from-image';
const images = ['path/to/image1.jpg'];
const { filePath } = createPdf({
  imagePaths: images,
  name: 'myPdf',
  paperSize: 'A4',
  customPaperSize: {
    height: 300,
    width: 300,

Note: When using the old architecture, make sure to await the createPdf function as it returns a Promise.

import { createPdf } from 'react-native-pdf-from-image';
// Old Architecture
const generatePdf = async () => {
  const images = ['path/to/image1.jpg'];
  const { filePath } = await createPdf({
    imagePaths: images,
    name: 'myPdf',
    paperSize: 'A4',
    customPaperSize: {
      height: 300,
      width: 300,

📦 Props


  • params : An object containing the following properties:
    • imagePaths (Array of strings): An array of file paths to the images you want to include in the PDF.
    • name (string): The name of the PDF file to be created.
    • paperSize (string, optional): The size of the paper for the PDF. Common sizes like 'A4' are supported.
    • customPaperSize (object, optional): An object specifying custom dimensions for the paper size. It should have height and width properties.


  • An object containing:
    • filePath (string): The file path to the generated PDF document.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.