React Native Credentials Manager

A React Native library that implements the Credential Manager API for Android. This library allows you to manage passwords and passkeys in your React Native applications.

React Native Credentials Manager

A React Native library that implements the Credential Manager API for Android. This library allows you to manage passwords and passkeys in your React Native applications.

Note: This library is actively under development. iOS support using Authentication Services is coming soon. Support for the old React Native architecture is also in progress. Supports old architecture now. Google Sign-In integration with Credential Manager will be added shortly. Google Sign-In is now supported.



npm install react-native-credentials-manager
# or if you prefer yarn
yarn add react-native-credentials-manager

Android Setup

For complete setup instructions, see the official Credential Manager documentation.

  1. Add support for Digital Asset Links

To enable passkey support, you need to associate your Android app with your website by creating and hosting a Digital Asset Links JSON file.

Create a file named assetlinks.json with the following content:

    "relation": [
    "target": {
      "namespace": "android_app",
      "package_name": "",
      "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [

Host this file at:

Important requirements:

  • The MIME type must be application/json
  • If you have a robots.txt, ensure it allows access to /.well-known/assetlinks.json:
    User-agent: \*
    Allow: /.well-known/
  • The domain must be fully-qualified
  • Don't include trailing slashes or paths in the domain
  • Subdomains are not automatically included in the association

ProGuard Rules

If you're using ProGuard, add these rules to your android/app/

-if class androidx.credentials.CredentialManager
-keep class androidx.credentials.playservices.** {


High-Level Authentication Flow

The library provides three primary functions for managing user authentication:

  1. signUpWithPasskeys: Registers a new user using passkeys.
  2. signUpWithPassword: Registers a new user using a traditional username and password.
  3. signInWithSavedCredentials: Authenticates a user using previously saved credentials.

1. Sign Up with Passkeys

Function: signUpWithPasskeys(requestJson)

Description: Registers a new user using passkeys, enhancing security and user experience.

Backend Requirements:

  • Challenge Generation: Your backend must generate a unique, base64-encoded challenge to prevent replay attacks.
  • User Information: Provide user details such as a unique identifier, username, and display name.

When to Use: Opt for passkey registration to offer users a passwordless and secure authentication method.


import { signUpWithPasskeys } from 'react-native-credentials-manager';
// From your backend
const requestJson = {
  challenge: 'base64EncodedChallengeFromBackend',
  rp: {
    name: 'Your App Name',
    id: '',
  user: {
    id: 'base64EncodedUserIdFromBackend',
    name: 'username',
    displayName: 'User Display Name',
  pubKeyCredParams: [
      type: 'public-key',
      alg: -7, // ES256
  authenticatorSelection: {
    authenticatorAttachment: 'platform',
    requireResidentKey: true,
    residentKey: 'required',
    userVerification: 'required',
try {
  const response = await signUpWithPasskeys(requestJson);
  console.log('Passkey registration successful:', response);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Passkey registration failed:', error);


challengestringA base64-encoded challenge provided by your server to prevent replay attacks.
rpobjectInformation about your app (Relying Party).
rp.namestringThe name of your app.
rp.idstringThe domain of your app.
userobjectInformation about the user registering.
user.idstringA base64-encoded unique identifier for the user.
user.namestringThe username of the user.
user.displayNamestringThe display name of the user.
pubKeyCredParamsarrayAn array of objects indicating acceptable public key algorithms.
authenticatorSelectionobjectCriteria for selecting the appropriate authenticator.
authenticatorSelection.authenticatorAttachmentstringIndicates the desired authenticator attachment modality ("platform" or "cross-platform").
authenticatorSelection.requireResidentKeybooleanIndicates whether resident keys are required.
authenticatorSelection.residentKeystringSpecifies the resident key requirement ("required", "preferred", or "discouraged").
authenticatorSelection.userVerificationstringSpecifies the user verification requirement ("required", "preferred", or "discouraged").

Note: Parameters such as challenge,, and other user-specific information should be securely generated and provided by your backend server.

2. Sign Up with Password

Function: signUpWithPassword(credentials)

Description: Registers a new user using a traditional username and password combination.

Backend Requirements:

  • User Registration: Your backend should handle the storage and management of user credentials securely.

When to Use: Use this method when you want to support traditional password-based authentication.


import { signUpWithPassword } from 'react-native-credentials-manager';
const credentials = {
  username: '',
  password: 'securePassword123!',
try {
  await signUpWithPassword(credentials);
  console.log('User registered successfully with password.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Password registration failed:', error);

Sign In with Saved Credentials

import { signInWithSavedCredentials } from 'react-native-credentials-manager';
// From your backend
const signinRequestJson = {
  challenge: 'base64EncodedChallenge',
  timeout: 1800000,
  userVerification: 'required',
  rpId: '',
try {
  const credential = await signInWithSavedCredentials(signinRequestJson);
  if (credential.type === 'passkey') {
    console.log('Passkey:', credential.authenticationResponseJson);
  } else if (credential.type === 'password') {
    console.log('Password credentials:', {
      username: credential.username,
      password: credential.password,
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Sign in failed:', error);

Google Sign-In

Function: signInWithGoogle(params)

Description: Authenticates users using Google Sign-In through the Credential Manager.


serverClientIdstringYour application's web client ID from the Google Cloud Console
noncestring?Optional nonce for additional security
autoSelectEnabledbooleanWhether to automatically select the Google account if only one is available


import { signInWithGoogle } from 'react-native-credentials-manager';
try {
  const credential = await signInWithGoogle({
    serverClientId: 'YOUR_WEB_CLIENT_ID',
    autoSelectEnabled: true,
  if (credential.type === 'google-signin') {
    console.log('Google credentials:', {
      idToken: credential.idToken,
      displayName: credential.displayName,
      familyName: credential.familyName,
      givenName: credential.givenName,
      profilePicture: credential.profilePicture,
      phoneNumber: credential.phoneNumber,
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Google Sign-In failed:', error);

Sign Out

Function : signOut()

Description : Signs out the current user and clears credentials.

Example :

import { signOut } from 'react-native-credentials-manager';
try {
  await signOut();
  console.log('Successfully signed out');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Sign out failed:', error);


For more detailed information about the underlying APIs, refer to:


  • Old Architecture Support
  • iOS Support using Authentication Services
  • Additional Authentication Methods
  • Comprehensive Documentation


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
